When most patients think of Chiropractic Care they often associate the experience with general techniques of manual adjustment or the high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) thrust. This leyman's "cracking" method is only one tool available to Chiropractors. There are also devices like Roller Tables and Cold Laser Therapy which can be used with great impact for treating pain in addition to HVLA. Though McAndrew Chiropractic carries both of these devices, there is one other method Dr. John prefers which is the Activator V.
These handheld devices are the "scalpel" of Chiropractic tools because it specializes in accuracy and precision. Accuracy because these devices allow Dr. John to make very small high velocity low amplitude adjustments to very focused areas. Simply imagine a large manual adjustment in a small package. Precision because the adjustment may be small, but it is focused with enough force to align vertebrae or ribs without disrupting the surrounding area. Moreover, while a manual HVLA adjustment can cause some people to tense up and resist treatment, causing the overall method to be less effective, the Activator Method is too fast for most muscle reactions. So the mix of speed and focus allows this tool to be the prefect solution for specific pain centers or root causes for other issues.
Fort Collins has many Chiropractors, but few have Activators as one of their main specializations. Dr. John McAndrew is confident and practiced in many devices and will use every technique available to him to treat a myriad of ailments, but he is one of the few who is experienced in the full line of Activators. He currently uses the mark 5, the most advanced and effective so far. As one of the most researched chiropractic methods aside next to HVLA, our practice affirms it's benefits as we hear from happy patients often referring specifically to the Activator.
Call our office today to schedule a visit and Dr. John will explain the Activator method in more detail in person if you have additional questions. If you need a personalized chiropractic experience with a welcoming and knowledgeable doctor, McAndrew Chiropractic may be the perfect Fort Collins Chiropractor for you. We are located in the Front Range Village.